【ohta】 kusaki asymmetry
(税込) 送料込み
ohta太田雅貴により2007年に創立され、同年、南仏イエールのヨーロッパ新人デザイナーコンテストであるイエール国際モードフォトフェスティバル(Festival International des Arts de la Mode)でファイナリストに残るなど、国際的にも活躍を見せている。非常に着心地の良い素材感やシルエットでありながらエッジの効いたデザインが特徴で、シーズン毎のコンセプトも他のブランドとは違う非常にユニークな打ち出し方をしている。------------------------------------------------------袖の長さがアシンメトリーになったブラウス。左袖はケープを被ったようなレイヤードデザインになっています。着丈が少し短めなのでボトムスとのバランスがとりやすく、スカートやパンツどちらでも合わせられるアイテム。鮮やかなブルーは春夏にぴったりなカラーリングです。
- 素材
- コットン100% / キュプラ42%、コットン35%、リネン23%
- 特徴
- 半袖
- ショート丈
- 無地
- コットン
- ノーカラー
- 関連カテゴリー
- トップス
- シャツ/ブラウス
- 性別タイプ
- レディース

ohta|オータ(レディース)のシャツ/ブラウス通販 - ZOZOTOWN

Frontiers | Preceding Postural Control in Forelimb Reaching

Full article: Neural substrates involved in the control of posture

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Jingwei SHANG | Professor (Assistant) | Okayama University

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

Frontiers | Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Experimental Ischemic

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and

ACS Omega | Vol 6, No 50

Emerging strategies in developing multifunctional nanomaterials

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and

Concise Synthesis of (−)-GA18 Methyl Ester | Journal of the

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

KITA Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering / Department of

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and
Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Modelling with

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

PDF) Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control

Dynamics and physical process of hot carriers in optoelectronic

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

ACS Omega | Vol 6, No 50

Molecules | Free Full-Text | Fungi-Mediated Biotransformation of
Nicotiana tabacum | SpringerLink

Present status of numerical modeling of hydrogen negative ion

Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and
Full article: Neural substrates involved in the control of posture

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Modelling with

Frontiers | Preceding Postural Control in Forelimb Reaching

ohta|オータ(レディース)のシャツ/ブラウス通販 - ZOZOTOWN

Frontiers | Preceding Postural Control in Forelimb Reaching

Full article: Neural substrates involved in the control of posture

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Jingwei SHANG | Professor (Assistant) | Okayama University

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

Frontiers | Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Experimental Ischemic

Left Atrial Relaxation and Left Ventricular Systolic Function

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and

ACS Omega | Vol 6, No 50

Emerging strategies in developing multifunctional nanomaterials

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and

Concise Synthesis of (−)-GA18 Methyl Ester | Journal of the

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

KITA Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering / Department of

An effective method for the synthesis of carboxylic esters and
Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Modelling with

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Conformational Analysis of Nonionic Surfactants in Water by a

PDF) Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control

Dynamics and physical process of hot carriers in optoelectronic

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

ACS Omega | Vol 6, No 50

Molecules | Free Full-Text | Fungi-Mediated Biotransformation of
Nicotiana tabacum | SpringerLink

Present status of numerical modeling of hydrogen negative ion

Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control

Keiko Ohta-Ogo's research works | National Cerebral and
Full article: Neural substrates involved in the control of posture

MARILYN MOON】ラメ編地切替ニットカーディガン-

Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Modelling with

Frontiers | Preceding Postural Control in Forelimb Reaching
