”gunda”JELLY BR/C
(税込) 送料込み
”gunda ”
細部まで創り込まれたディテールがエッジの効いたデザイン性を際立たせるだけではなく、 使い込むほどになじむその製品は伝統技法に裏打ちされたauthentic感<本物感>をも確立し、他と一線を画す。
以後世界中からインスピレーションを受けたコレクションはさらに幅を広げ、シーズンコレクションの他にもエクスクルーシブ感のあるハンドメイドの1点ものジュエリー、アートピースシリーズの『ONE OF A KIND』ラインなどもランダムに展開。 各国のアンティークパーツやビーズ、異素材をミックスし、独自の技法を用いた無国籍な作品は類を見ず、国境やあらゆる枠を超えたボーダーレスなgundaの世界観を構築し続けている。
- 原産国
- 日本
- 素材
- シルバー925, アンティークビーズ, 珊瑚, 真鍮,パール,オニキス
- 特徴
- チタン
- オニキス
- 関連カテゴリー
- アクセサリー
- ブレスレット
- 性別タイプ
- メンズ・レディース

ブレスレット ”gunda”JELLY BR/C : 67331120 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店

ブレスレット ”gunda”JELLY BR/B : 67331119 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店


ブレスレット ”gunda” AMETHYST : 66125319 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店

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gunda”JELLY NK(ネックレス)|gunda(ガンダ)のファッション通販

gunda(ガンダ)|ブレスレット一覧 - WEAR

Immunocytochemistry of MSC derived from adipose ( A ) bone marrow

gunda|ガンダのブレスレット通販 - ZOZOTOWN

ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING 2008–2009 - Lehigh University

Frontiers | Diverse antitumor effects of ascorbic acid on cancer

May 2012 Jersey Journal by AJCA/NAJ/JMS - Issuu

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Nutraceuticals in the Prevention and

RACHEL Rachel Roy Savvy Eyeglasses | FREE Shipping

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Planarians - Wikisource, the free
28 Jul 1995 - The Canberra Times ACT//TAB RACING EXTRA - Trove

RACHEL Rachel Roy Savvy Eyeglasses | FREE Shipping

Animals were injected with MSC labelled with CFSe. notes: Lymph

Pharmaceutics | Free Full-Text | Ocular Delivery of Therapeutic

saras-iitf-2010-report - CAPART

Lawrence Magazine Winter 2010 by Sunflower Publishing - Issuu

Synthesis and Functional Characterization of Novel RU1968-Derived

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Workshop služby Steam::- Home -
What are the sweetest fruits? - Quora

![The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047324/1902-03-07/ed-1/seq-1/thumbnail.jpg)
The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958

Plant profile, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Cordia dichotoma

An update on animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration and

Synthesis and Functional Characterization of Novel RU1968

PDF) Physiological Activities of Anti-Juvenile Hormone Agents

Ammonium Black and White Stock Photos & Images - Alamy
What are the sweetest fruits? - Quora

In vivo Mouse Models of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Variety of Dynamic Marketing Consutlatns Creative | PDF
Coral Revolution

Grizzly's Big Movie | Idea Wiki | Fandom
28 Jul 1995 - The Canberra Times ACT//TAB RACING EXTRA - Trove

Frontiers | Diverse antitumor effects of ascorbic acid on cancer

Optic cells Black and White Stock Photos & Images - Alamy

ブレスレット ”gunda”JELLY BR/C : 67331120 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店

ブレスレット ”gunda”JELLY BR/B : 67331119 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店


ブレスレット ”gunda” AMETHYST : 66125319 : ZOZOTOWN Yahoo!店

gunda”JELLY NK(ネックレス)|gunda(ガンダ)のファッション通販

gunda”JELLY NK(ネックレス)|gunda(ガンダ)のファッション通販

gunda(ガンダ)|ブレスレット一覧 - WEAR

Immunocytochemistry of MSC derived from adipose ( A ) bone marrow

gunda|ガンダのブレスレット通販 - ZOZOTOWN

ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING 2008–2009 - Lehigh University

Frontiers | Diverse antitumor effects of ascorbic acid on cancer

May 2012 Jersey Journal by AJCA/NAJ/JMS - Issuu

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Nutraceuticals in the Prevention and

RACHEL Rachel Roy Savvy Eyeglasses | FREE Shipping

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Planarians - Wikisource, the free
28 Jul 1995 - The Canberra Times ACT//TAB RACING EXTRA - Trove

RACHEL Rachel Roy Savvy Eyeglasses | FREE Shipping

Animals were injected with MSC labelled with CFSe. notes: Lymph

Pharmaceutics | Free Full-Text | Ocular Delivery of Therapeutic

saras-iitf-2010-report - CAPART

Lawrence Magazine Winter 2010 by Sunflower Publishing - Issuu

Synthesis and Functional Characterization of Novel RU1968-Derived

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Workshop služby Steam::- Home -
What are the sweetest fruits? - Quora

![The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047324/1902-03-07/ed-1/seq-1/thumbnail.jpg)
The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958

Plant profile, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Cordia dichotoma

An update on animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration and

Synthesis and Functional Characterization of Novel RU1968

PDF) Physiological Activities of Anti-Juvenile Hormone Agents

Ammonium Black and White Stock Photos & Images - Alamy
What are the sweetest fruits? - Quora

In vivo Mouse Models of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Variety of Dynamic Marketing Consutlatns Creative | PDF
Coral Revolution

Grizzly's Big Movie | Idea Wiki | Fandom
28 Jul 1995 - The Canberra Times ACT//TAB RACING EXTRA - Trove

Frontiers | Diverse antitumor effects of ascorbic acid on cancer

Optic cells Black and White Stock Photos & Images - Alamy
