URSULA BOGNER Recordings 1969-1988 LP NEW VINYL Faitiche reissue remastered 海外 即決
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商品名 URSULA BOGNER Recordings 1969-1988 LP NEW VINYL Faitiche reissue remastered
(URSULA BOGNER Recordings 1969-1988 LP NEW VINYL Faitiche reissue remastered)
商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 Store Categories HIP HOP FUNK / SOUL DUB/REGGAE/DANCEHALL EXPERIMENTAL/IDM DOWNTEMPO DUBSTEP/GRIME SERATO CONTROL VINYL HOUSE TECHNO INDYTRONIC SYNTHWAVE/80'S/INDUSTRIAL UK BASS/FUTURE GARAGE/UKF GLITCH HOP AMBIENT/DRONE BATTLE BREAKS/ACAPELLAS DISCO ELECTRO/BREAKS GHETTO TECH/JUKE/FOOTWORK PROGRESSIVE/TRANCE DRUM N' BASS BREAKCORE ROCK POP PUNK METAL JAZZ SOUNDTRACKS URSULA BOGNER Recordings 1969-1988 / LP NEW VINYL / Faitiche 2018 Faitiche is ten years old. October 2008 saw the release of Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969-1988, for which the label was created. While working as a pharmacist, Ursula Bogner experimented with electronic music, undiscovered, for over three decades. When Jan Jelinek first heard Bogner's work in 2008, he was enthusiastic. The resulting album, compiled by Jelinek from Bogner's extensive oeuvre, is being reissued in a remastered version to mark the label's tenth anniversary. This new version also includes four bonus tracks that were previously only available on a 7" single. Jelinek on the music's initial discovery: "It seems incredible that Bogner's musical talents should have remained undiscovered, but in view of her biography, this might have been inevitable. I met Sebastian Bogner, Ursula's son, on a flight, and the usual small talk led to the topic of his mother, who 'liked to play around with synthesizers', albeit purely on an amateur level. Among her acquaintances, it was considered an eccentric hobby and not paid a great deal of interest. Bogner's life seemed simple and bourgeois to the core: she was a pharmacist, wife and mother. This situation made her obsession with electronic music all the more bizarre - an obsession that saw her build her own home studio. Throughout her early twenties, she followed the activities of Studio fr elektronische Musik, attended seminars by Studio founder Herbert Eimert, exhibited enthusiasm for Musique Concrte and later shared her children's enthusiasm for new wave. Nevertheless, Bogner never involved herself in any scene, never made her music public. Her compositions, betray few signs of esotericism; they are closer to studies and sketches, humorous and almost silly, rather than tied to any particular school. Nevertheless, it is remarkably hard to grasp or classify her work as a whole. Over the course of 20 years, she dabbled in many different styles, leading to a bewildering variety of titles. In the late 1960s, Bogner started to record her own music on reel-to-reel tapes. Covering a fairly short period of her creative career, this music conveys a peculiar coherence in both form and content, a coherence that reflects her accessible, rhythmic and sometimes even poppy side. My own preference played a part in the selection process, but a further compilation is already in the works. I hope that listeners will enjoy the same exhilaration I experienced on discovery of Ursula Bogner's music" Gatefold sleeve, includes download. A1 Begleitung Fr TubaA2 InversionA3 ProtoA4 MetazoonA5 MomentaufnahmeA6 2 TonA7 SpeichenA8 ModesA9 Expansion (Version)A10 Synchronton 2B1 Atmosphre 1B2 PunkteB3 ExpansionB4 Fr UlrichB5 PulsationB6 TestlaufB7 SoloresonanzenB8 PhotosphreB9 Rhythmus 80 Track List Customer satisfaction guaranteed! Top Notch Service Over 40K positive feedback! 99.9% positive feedback rating! Making Ebay buyers happy since 2005! Multiple item shipping discounts available Purchase your items but request a total before you pay. Visit earcandymusic.biz for 15% lower prices. Come visit us at our store in Missoula, MT.
7590円URSULA BOGNER Recordings 1969-1988 LP NEW VINYL Faitiche reissue remastered 海外 即決その他スキル、知識Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP"https://faitiche.de/spree/products/96/product/Fait01_Front.jpg","https://i.discogs.com/eBIDknlFWjfhcRHGBuZeRdqIypmOwdGFrs7bVKRCWm8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE1Njg4/MzAtMTM2MTQ3MjY2/NC05Mjk3LmpwZWc.jpeg","https://faitiche.de/spree/products/97/product/Fait01_BackLP.jpg","https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Uh7u6248YZ8/hqdefault.jpg","https://faitiche.de/ckeditor_assets/pictures/10/content_01Jupiter.jpg"
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商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner: Recordings 1969-1988 (2018 remaster) - out now
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Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche
Ursula Bogner – Recordings 1969-1988 (2018, Vinyl) - Discogs
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner: Recordings 1969-1988 (2018 remaster) - out now
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969-1988(Remastered) [vinyl]
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969 1988 Remastered Edition - Vinyl LP