
(税込) 送料込み



まっすぐ空に向けて突き進む飛行体を冠した今作のTHE ROCKET(ロケット)。ロケットの飛行する放物線や曲線美を基に、スマートなメタルラウンドフレームの初期のイメージ画が描かれました。語源とされるケルト語の「糸を紡ぐ」ように、細いメタル素材で全体を纏めていながらも、レトロな装飾デザインや特徴的なブリッジ、そして他に類をみないカラーリングがSABREの真骨頂。固定概念としてあるラウンドフレームのイメージを突き破ってくれるモデルです。

  1. ラウンド
  1. ファッション雑貨
  2. サングラス
12870円【SABRE】ROCKETメンズ/レディースファッション雑貨ESA Prepares Revolutionary Air Breathing Rocket Engine - Universe"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/SABRE_engine_designed_for_Skylon_spaceplane,_1990s._(9660572897).jpg","https://reactionengines.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/sabre-hotspot-1024x498.png","https://www.eoportal.org/api/cms/documents/163813/4990426/SABRE_Auto4.jpeg","https://insights.globalspec.com/images/assets/642/8642/SKYLON.png","https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/190408123503-02-sabre-rocket-engine.jpg"SABRE (rocket engine) - Wikipedia

SABRE (rocket engine) - Wikipedia

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) - eoPortal

SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) - eoPortal

SABRE: A Hypersonic Precooled Hybrid Air-breathing Rocket Engine

SABRE: A Hypersonic Precooled Hybrid Air-breathing Rocket Engine

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

Reaction Engines testing SABRE in Colorado, rocket could travel

Reaction Engines testing SABRE in Colorado, rocket could travel

The Rocket Motor of the Future Breathes Air Like a Jet Engine | WIRED

The Rocket Motor of the Future Breathes Air Like a Jet Engine | WIRED

Funding flows for UK's 'revolutionary' Sabre rocket engine - BBC News

Funding flows for UK's 'revolutionary' Sabre rocket engine - BBC News

UK's Sabre space plane engine tech in new milestone

UK's Sabre space plane engine tech in new milestone

Coolingzone.com - U.K. company on brink of completing SABRE rocket

Coolingzone.com - U.K. company on brink of completing SABRE rocket

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

Air-breathing rocket engines: the future of space flight – Physics

Air-breathing rocket engines: the future of space flight – Physics

Sabre Engine Put Through Its Paces — Born To Engineer

Sabre Engine Put Through Its Paces — Born To Engineer

Reaction Engines unlocks funds for single-stage-to-orbit SABRE

Reaction Engines unlocks funds for single-stage-to-orbit SABRE

Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) Programme

Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) Programme

SABRE: World's first air-breathing rocket - TomoNews

SABRE: World's first air-breathing rocket - TomoNews

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

Sabre air-breathing rocket engine successfully completes key

Sabre air-breathing rocket engine successfully completes key

Synergistic Air-breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE). (Courtesy of

Synergistic Air-breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE). (Courtesy of

SABRE rocket engine model. - Stock Image - C045/9846 - Science

SABRE rocket engine model. - Stock Image - C045/9846 - Science

ESA completes further design validation of Reaction Engine's air

ESA completes further design validation of Reaction Engine's air

Sabre Rocket Engine Heat Exchanger Photograph by Mark Williamson

Sabre Rocket Engine Heat Exchanger Photograph by Mark Williamson

ESA Prepares Revolutionary Air Breathing Rocket Engine - Universe

ESA Prepares Revolutionary Air Breathing Rocket Engine - Universe

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Hybrid air-breathing SABRE rocket engine to enter test phase

Hybrid air-breathing SABRE rocket engine to enter test phase

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

Progress for the Skylon. Europe agrees to continue working on the

Progress for the Skylon. Europe agrees to continue working on the

SABRE rattling! Choosing between a Fighter jet engine for space

SABRE rattling! Choosing between a Fighter jet engine for space

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

Facility to test SABRE air-breathing engine under construction

Facility to test SABRE air-breathing engine under construction

HOTOL, Skylon, and the future of the SABRE Rocket Engine

HOTOL, Skylon, and the future of the SABRE Rocket Engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

Sabre rocket engine project - Machinery Market News

Sabre rocket engine project - Machinery Market News

Hybrid Rocket Engines : SABRE engine concept

Hybrid Rocket Engines : SABRE engine concept

Sabre rocket engine hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

Sabre rocket engine hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

SABRE! | Reaction Engines - The Air-Breathing Rocket Engine | Space Talk  Best Bits

SABRE! | Reaction Engines - The Air-Breathing Rocket Engine | Space Talk Best Bits

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

ESA funds to supplement Reaction Engines' SABRE development

ESA funds to supplement Reaction Engines' SABRE development

Sabre rocket engine could open up access to space as never before

Sabre rocket engine could open up access to space as never before

SABRE (rocket engine) - Wikipedia

SABRE (rocket engine) - Wikipedia

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) - eoPortal

SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) - eoPortal

SABRE: A Hypersonic Precooled Hybrid Air-breathing Rocket Engine

SABRE: A Hypersonic Precooled Hybrid Air-breathing Rocket Engine

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

Reaction Engines testing SABRE in Colorado, rocket could travel

Reaction Engines testing SABRE in Colorado, rocket could travel

The Rocket Motor of the Future Breathes Air Like a Jet Engine | WIRED

The Rocket Motor of the Future Breathes Air Like a Jet Engine | WIRED

Funding flows for UK's 'revolutionary' Sabre rocket engine - BBC News

Funding flows for UK's 'revolutionary' Sabre rocket engine - BBC News

UK's Sabre space plane engine tech in new milestone

UK's Sabre space plane engine tech in new milestone

Coolingzone.com - U.K. company on brink of completing SABRE rocket

Coolingzone.com - U.K. company on brink of completing SABRE rocket

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

SABRE | Reaction Engines - Making Beyond Possible

Air-breathing rocket engines: the future of space flight – Physics

Air-breathing rocket engines: the future of space flight – Physics

Sabre Engine Put Through Its Paces — Born To Engineer

Sabre Engine Put Through Its Paces — Born To Engineer

Reaction Engines unlocks funds for single-stage-to-orbit SABRE

Reaction Engines unlocks funds for single-stage-to-orbit SABRE

Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) Programme

Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) Programme

SABRE: World's first air-breathing rocket - TomoNews

SABRE: World's first air-breathing rocket - TomoNews

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

Sabre air-breathing rocket engine successfully completes key

Sabre air-breathing rocket engine successfully completes key

Synergistic Air-breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE). (Courtesy of

Synergistic Air-breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE). (Courtesy of

SABRE rocket engine model. - Stock Image - C045/9846 - Science

SABRE rocket engine model. - Stock Image - C045/9846 - Science

ESA completes further design validation of Reaction Engine's air

ESA completes further design validation of Reaction Engine's air

Sabre Rocket Engine Heat Exchanger Photograph by Mark Williamson

Sabre Rocket Engine Heat Exchanger Photograph by Mark Williamson

ESA Prepares Revolutionary Air Breathing Rocket Engine - Universe

ESA Prepares Revolutionary Air Breathing Rocket Engine - Universe

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Hybrid air-breathing SABRE rocket engine to enter test phase

Hybrid air-breathing SABRE rocket engine to enter test phase

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

Rocket engine will need funds to reach lift off

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

Progress for the Skylon. Europe agrees to continue working on the

Progress for the Skylon. Europe agrees to continue working on the

SABRE rattling! Choosing between a Fighter jet engine for space

SABRE rattling! Choosing between a Fighter jet engine for space

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

SABRE rocket engine could fly at ultrafast Mach 25 | CNN

Facility to test SABRE air-breathing engine under construction

Facility to test SABRE air-breathing engine under construction

HOTOL, Skylon, and the future of the SABRE Rocket Engine

HOTOL, Skylon, and the future of the SABRE Rocket Engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

ESA - ESA greenlight for UK's air-breathing rocket engine

Sabre rocket engine project - Machinery Market News

Sabre rocket engine project - Machinery Market News

Hybrid Rocket Engines : SABRE engine concept

Hybrid Rocket Engines : SABRE engine concept

Sabre rocket engine hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

Sabre rocket engine hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

SABRE! | Reaction Engines - The Air-Breathing Rocket Engine | Space Talk  Best Bits

SABRE! | Reaction Engines - The Air-Breathing Rocket Engine | Space Talk Best Bits

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

SABRE engine concept passes US Air Force feasibilty test

ESA funds to supplement Reaction Engines' SABRE development

ESA funds to supplement Reaction Engines' SABRE development

Sabre rocket engine could open up access to space as never before

Sabre rocket engine could open up access to space as never before









