[sAfiri] PB-0508 lOOker 5´11:5´11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7) 新品


(税込) 送料込み




PB-0508 lOOker 5"11:5"11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7) 新品

"Alternative SurfboardをCoreとするSafiri surfboard
EPSブランクスの 特徴である""高浮力、軽量、高強度"" を活かし、速いテイクオフと加速性に加えレスポンス性能を引き出し乗りやすさを追求

- 商品の状態 -
PB-0508 lOOker 5"11:5"11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7) 新品

Size:5"11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7)
EPS Blanks:密度32kg/m^3
Stringer:Shingle (wooden 4mm)
Deck:4oz cloth + 4oz cloth + 4oz cloth
Bottom:6oz cloth + tail patch + 6oz cloth (Single → V concave)
Finish Volume:38.8L
Nose Rocker:8.0cm
Tail Rocker:4.5cm
Fin:FCS2 Wood core Keel fin 付属
仕上げ:White tint Matt (艶消し)


Safiri Blog:https://safirisurfboard.com/?m=20230608/

27200円[sAfiri] PB-0508 lOOker 5´11:5´11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7) 新品スポーツ、レジャースポーツ別 435 RPM"https://auc-pctr.c.yimg.jp/i/auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0408/users/2523cebd072e8e9ddd1ddc520a8ad84f3fee2c75/i-img797x1200-1691133950ndmy8t220362.jpg","https://assets.bigcartel.com/product_images/303014103/Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 31519 PMA.jpg","https://auc-pctr.c.yimg.jp/i/auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0410/users/3737039756dae1d6e3e61fdbe76affa6bfcc431c/i-img800x800-1697030073caozps1057499.jpg","https://auc-pctr.c.yimg.jp/i/auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0411/users/1153b3c76ca64480a792b73dab553043616ec4a9/i-img1024x1024-1699628535sokpyx55361.jpg","https://auc-pctr.c.yimg.jp/i/auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0308/users/f1caac529e06ceae558741ead2f32aadba2b54ff/i-img1200x1200-1659672207ubfims78793.jpg"2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

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2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

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2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

EPPLI | Armored necklace, bes. with 1 fine oval fac.Ceylon

EPPLI | Armored necklace, bes. with 1 fine oval fac.Ceylon



2011 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Premium | 4S4BRCCC4B3350458 | Bid

2011 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Premium | 4S4BRCCC4B3350458 | Bid

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

5202 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 435 RPM, 3.3  - 5V Encoder)

5202 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

JavaScript new Date()在Safari上的坑_javascript中new-date对象在

JavaScript new Date()在Safari上的坑_javascript中new-date对象在





2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

Yellow Sapphire 5.08ct Natural Certified Premium Quality

Yellow Sapphire 5.08ct Natural Certified Premium Quality

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

Big Sur Safari Problem

Big Sur Safari Problem

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

bichinhos safari em feltro (macaquinho)

bichinhos safari em feltro (macaquinho)

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧



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2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

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2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

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2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション -lookerの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

21.61 Radiant Cut Un-heated Yellow Sapphire — Cushion Gem

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length  8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

5204 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 80mm Length 8mm REX™ Shaft, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

EPPLI | Armored necklace, bes. with 1 fine oval fac.Ceylon

EPPLI | Armored necklace, bes. with 1 fine oval fac.Ceylon



2011 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Premium | 4S4BRCCC4B3350458 | Bid

2011 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Premium | 4S4BRCCC4B3350458 | Bid

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

5202 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 435 RPM, 3.3  - 5V Encoder)

5202 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder)

JavaScript new Date()在Safari上的坑_javascript中new-date对象在

JavaScript new Date()在Safari上的坑_javascript中new-date对象在





2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

2023年最新】Yahoo!オークション - 5.11フィート(ショートボード

Yellow Sapphire 5.08ct Natural Certified Premium Quality

Yellow Sapphire 5.08ct Natural Certified Premium Quality

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

Big Sur Safari Problem

Big Sur Safari Problem

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

bichinhos safari em feltro (macaquinho)

bichinhos safari em feltro (macaquinho)

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid

2014 Subaru Outback, 2.5I Limited | 4S4BRBLC8E3320538 | Bid









[sAfiri] PB-0508 lOOker 5´11:5´11-21-2 3/4 (180.3-53.3-7) 新品
