#11 15.5 ft. Stinger Spike System Trooper Model 90215 海外 即決


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#11 15.5 ft. Stinger Spike System Trooper Model 90215
(#11 15.5 ft. Stinger Spike System Trooper Model 90215)

Spike strip is fully intact with some sign of usage. Any missing spikes have been replaced as well as most punctured safety caps. Cases seem to have received the worst beating with scratches, scuffs and a crack on the left side of the top (taped). See photos.
※ アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。



#11 15.5 ft. Stinger Spike System Trooper Model 90215 Spike strip is fully intact with somesign of usage. Any missing spikes have been replaced as well asmost punctured safety caps.Cases seem to have received the worst beating with scratches, scuffs and a crack on the left side of the top (taped).See photos. FEATURES Stinger Spike Systems Stinger Spike System allows law enforcement officers to control situations by stopping fleeing vehicles effectively, reliably, and safely. The Stinger Spike System employs high strength, hollow steel spikes that penetrate all types of tiresincluding self-sealing and run-flatsand deflate them in a regulated manner. This prevents blowouts, slows the perpetrator’s vehicle to a safer rate of speed, and allows for a controlled stop. Stinger Spike Systems are effective on all vehicles including cars, trucks, and buses. Safe and Easy to Use The Stinger Spike System is designed for quick, reliable operation. A simple pull on the handle or a toss is all it takes to position the spikes. The single, accordion-action element deploys almost instantly, giving officers time to take cover. Extra-width road coverage and low visibility minimize avoidance by fleeing suspects. After spiking, a simple yank on the handle quickly retracts the unit, clearing the road for pursuit vehicles and other traffic. Stinger Models Standard Stinger Spike Systems are available in three different lengths to handle a variety of situations. The 10-foot Metro model is perfect for narrower urban streets and small country roads. The 15.5-foot Trooper model is wide enough for multi-lane roads and the 25-foot Defender model covers applications such as interstate highways, airport entry gates, military compounds, and security checkpoints. The Stinger XL models employ a longer spike length designed for penetrating thicker tires to safely and quickly end pursuits involving large trucks, farm equipment, and military-type vehicles. The Stinger XL models are available in all three lengths. Terms & Conditions Payment & Returns Shipping - no title specifiedFreight Shipping: Inspection & DamagesEvery freight shipment is insured. But in order to collect the insurance on damaged goods the receiver Legally, when Block20Sales signs the shipment over to the freight company, the freight company owns it. When you receive the item and sign for it, you own it. Therefore it is imperative that you carefully inspect your shipment for any damage. We specifically include a large shipping sticker that asks the buyer to examine the freight before accepting it. You MUST inspect the shipments BEFORE signing for it! If there is any damage at all you must note the damage on the freight bill. This is the only way you will be compensated for the damage. If there is damage, you have two options:1. You can note damage on the freight bill and accept the item anyway2. You can refuse the shipment. 99% of freight damage is cosmetic. If you sign the freight bill damaged then the freight company may replace your item, approve reimbursement for parts and repair, or provide compensation depending on the damage to your item. This is often the best option if you need to get your item operational and the damage is cosmetic. If you refuse the shipment it will be returned to us. This is usually the best option if your shipment is damaged beyond repair. If you accept your shipment in a damaged state it is very important that you call the freight company immediately to schedule an inspection and file the freight claim, you should take good pictures from different angles of the item and the packaging, and you should save all packaging material.Freight companies are able to deny millions of dollars in damages because items were not inspected at the time of delivery and were not marked as "Damaged" on the bill of lading. If your item has been crated, please expect to uncrate it and inspect it before the driver has left and before you sign for it. For freight deliveries: A driver is obligated to wait. If he or she tries to rush you or you are in any way unhappy with the delivery, ask to speak to his or her dispatcher.

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#11 15.5 ft. Stinger Spike System Trooper Model 90215 海外 即決
