Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape 海外 即決
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商品名 Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape
(Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape )
商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape. I didn’t have a ruler when I took these pictures so I used a quarter for scale. I can get exact measurements if you’d like, just ask. I marked this as used because it has some minor wear from age and storage but it has never been used. It came from a collector who collected pins from the 70’s-early 2000’s. It’s in great shape besides some minor wear from being stored with lots of other pins so you have some rubbing marks but nothing too bad at all. Would be an awesome add to any collection or a good find if you like things that most other people don’t have. If you’d like to see more pictures please let me know I’ll be happy to take more. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks for looking.
5925円Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape 海外 即決その他スキル、知識Vintage Pinback Market Remains Vibrant - Antique Trader
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商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape
Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape
Carson California Future Unlimited Vintage Button Pin Pinback Great Shape
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