(税込) 送料込み
89年発売のテニスシューズCity Windの復刻モデル
当時のテニスシューズはプレーするコート別にソール性能を追求していた。その中で「CITY WIND」はオールコート用としてトップ、ミドル、ジュニアモデルと幅広く展開していたシリーズ。
- 原産国
- ベトナム製
- 素材
- 甲材:天然皮革・人工皮革・合成皮革、底材:ゴム底
- 特徴
- ローカット
- 紐
- ブランドロゴ
- クッション性
- 関連カテゴリー
- シューズ
- スニーカー
- 性別タイプ
- メンズ

Wind Simulation in Urban Planning

Why is Chicago Called “The Windy City”?︱Skydeck

Wind speed patterns in a city with buildings

Simulation for pedestrian wind comfort - AEC Magazine
Sportstyle City Wind | Iconic Lifestyle Tennis Shoe - Mizuno USA

The windy city: not just Chicago – Physics World

The urban “wind island effect” - WUR

Wind Assessment for Urban Planning and Architecture - Rheologic
City Wind

URBAWIND | The urban wind modeling software - METEODYN

Wind power in urban environment – Greenoteka

URBAWIND | The urban wind modeling software - METEODYN

Kent | Park City Wind

ACUA - Jersey-Atlantic Wind Farm

una silueta ejemplar de Mizuno | Mizuno City Wind – GmarShops

SimScale Releases Features to Enable Compliance with Wind
Sportstyle City Wind | Iconic Lifestyle Tennis Shoe - Mizuno USA

RWIND Simulation | Wind Simulation of a City

Architecture - Rheologic

Masdar City: The ultimate urban experiment? | CNN

These Creative Wind Turbines Will Have You Rethinking What You

Park City Wind: Offshore wind farm in Connecticut - Iberdrola
US gives go-ahead for Orsted's New Jersey offshore wind farm to

City Of Wind': Venice Review | Reviews | Screen

N.J. uses new law to bypass local OK for offshore wind project - WHYY

SPRING/SUMMER 19 Sports Style CITY WIND News l Mizuno Official

City sees energy systems as a whole
Park City Wind | Bridgeport CT

Park City Wind

Urban WINd Towers – IAAC Blog


Offshore wind foes in New Jersey gathering force legally and

Park City Wind

Ocean City Officials Make Last-Ditch Effort on Offshore Wind, But

Projects - BuildWind

Turbines Popping Up on New York Roofs, Along With Questions of

Offshore Wind

Building of the week: Masdar's wind tower – The Earthbound Report

The Potential for Ducted Wind Turbines in an Urban Environment

City of Wind
